Are your Governing Documents ready for 2021?

The team at Neumann & Turnour Lawyers hope that you had a restful Christmas and New Year period, particularly after the tumultuous year that was 2020.

If 2020 has shown us anything, it is that life can present us with the unexpected. In such circumstances it is imperative that organisations have the ability to adapt to changing needs and requirements. In this context, we are aware of organisations which have, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, identified a number of limitations within their governing documents. This includes limitations as seemingly innocuous as the ability to hold meeting via electronic means.

As we come into 2021 and organisations plan the year ahead, it is an appropriate time to consider lessons which have been learnt and limitations which have been identified throughout the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic and consider what, if any, amendments may be required to your organisation’s governing documents as a result.

Even if your organisation’s end of financial year is not until June, now is the time to consider these issues. If changes are necessary, draft amendments can be prepared and considered by your board before being put to the members when annual general meetings are held in the second half of 2021.

Neumann & Turnour Lawyers has particular expertise in this area and would be pleased to assist your organisation in ensuring that its governing documents are well drafted to meet whatever challenges, activities and changes your organisation may face in 2021 and beyond and to otherwise ensure that your organisation remains compliant with its legislative and regulatory requirements. Should you want assistance in this area, please contact Nathan Rieck, a Director of Neumann & Turnour Lawyers on 07 3837 3600 or

Nathan Rieck, Director
15 January 2021